The hotel trade: various professions
Laos is getting more and more touristic and hotels, like mushrooms, are sprouting up everywhere. However there is a lack of the know-how which is required in hotels because there are nearly no training structures in this field and these are only accessible to well-off people.
Therefore, in order that students who come out from primary and secondary schools are not compelled to go back to ricefields or to find any odd job, we wish to create a training school for hotel trade. This school will allow students to come out in a sector which is rapidly expanding in their country.

Hotel management school
The aim of ASAS is to create a small hotel which will allow to train Lao people in the following fields:
- Reception
- Service
- Cooking
- Room attendance
- Administrative management
- Maintenance
- Visits and tourist activities
Once they are trained, the best among them can then become trainers, thus allowing future students to work in the numerous hotels of the country.